Link Source: Dear Jesus (Lorraine Hess)
From the album, WE SHALL BE HEALED
by Lorraine Hess
Piano by Garrett Fried
Guitar by Lu Rojas
Percussion by Joe Brocato, Chris Bailey
Bass by Lu Rojas
Back up vocals by Joey Cleveland, Debbie Fisher, Garrett Fried, Lorraine Hess, Michelle Johnson, Renee Melito, Shannon O'Flynn, Chris Raggio
Recorded at Audiophine Recording Studios &
Music Shed, New Orleans, LA
Words and music by Rev. J. Roel Lungay
Dear Jesus, I love you
How I don't know
Please show me the way.
Dear Jesus, my Savior,
My friend, my Lord.
You're all that I want
And all that I need.
Take me with you, Oh Lord,
Carry me through
For in you, only in you
Can I find my peace.
Take me in your goodness, Lord
This I pray
Yes, in you, only in you,
Can I find my peace.
Dear Jesus, I love you
I come to you
Take good care of me.
Dear Jesus, I give you
My self, my soul -
All that I am and all that I'll be.
(Repeat Refrain twice)
Dear Jesus, I thank you
And I love you!
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